Spring 2020

Hello everyone, first and foremost we hope you’re staying safe and healthy,

As the music industry has come to a halt on the live front, it seems that everything has frantically transitioned to the online arena. It has been both exciting and exhausting trying to keep up!

The online 12 Step meeting that began in January was originally intended for those on tour and working remotely. In the current climate, that meeting has blossomed to include an afternoon “coffee break” or open forum for people who are looking for new ways to promote their creativity online:

Tuesday 12 Step Recovery Meeting – 8am PST/11am EST/4pm UTC –  https://zoom.us/s/5432688005

Thursday “Coffee Break” Open Forum – 8am PST/11am EST/4pm UTC –  https://zoom.us/s/5432688005

We continue to populate the Compass in the midwest, for that time in the future when we’ll all be able to see each other face-to-face around the table, when people hitting the road will need that help. 

In the meantime, please share our online information with anyone who could benefit, or email us with any questions. It’s just as important for people to have a way to connect from home as being on the road, and these meetings have been a great way to do that.

Thanks as always for your support!