Winter 2019

Greetings and happy holiday season 2019 to all!

As we wrap up the year at Passenger, we’re excited to make two announcements: One is that we have begun putting QR codes in the green rooms of gigs across the midwest and the UK. The other is that we’ll begin holding a weekly online meeting for folks on tour in the new year.  Giving Tuesday is coming up, so we should mention that too! A quick, easy way to support Passenger is through Amazon Smile – Simply sign us up as your charity of choice, and we’ll receive a small percentage every time you shop through Amazon Smile! 

Please keep us in mind, and here’s that link:

1. QR Code Posters for green rooms

These codes will make it as easy as scanning a poster in the dressing room for artists to see what’s around a gig where meetings are concerned. It’s a matter of removing one more step to getting help in a situation that needs to be swift, and handled with discretion. Our ultimate goal is to make finding help a faster process than acting on the wrong impulse, and we hope these codes will speed up the support process while being discreet. See photo below

2. Onilne Meeting – Thanks to the Zoom Platform, and the wisdom and guidance of our friends at Problem Gambling & Recovery, we’ll be hosting a weekly online meeting starting in 2020. This 12-step meeting will be directed towards people who travel for work, tour etc, but will be open to anyone with addiction concerns. The Zoom platform operates under health care privacy standards, thus allowing for complete anonymity to remain an option.

Our belief is that it takes a community and activeness to remain both sober and healthy. People that tour or travel for work often lose that anchor. Our mission is to keep those people connected wherever the road takes them. Thank you for helping us do that, and happy holidays from all of us at Passenger!

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